Large language models as oracles for instantiating ontologies with domain-specific knowledge

Giovanni Ciatto, Andrea Agiollo, Matteo Magnini, and Andrea Omicini

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI), Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Italy

ArXiv preprint: arXiv:2404.04108

(Currently under revision for the Knowledge-Based Systems journal.)

Context (pt. 1)

The problem

  • Many knowledge-based applications require structured data for their operation

  • These systems commonly adapt their behaviour to the available data…

    • … and acquire new data while operating
  • Notable example: recommendation systems

    • providing hints to users based on their preferences
    • … and on the profiles of similar users
  • Chicken-and-egg problem, namely the cold-start:

    1. the system needs data to operate effectively
    2. the system acquires data while operating, from users
    3. at the beginning there’s no data, and no users
    4. how to escape this situation?

Context (pt. 2)


As part of the CHIST-ERA IV project “Expectation”, we needed to:

  1. design a virtual coach for nutrition

    • giving personalised advices on what to eat when to users
  2. the system would need data about:

    • food, e.g. recipes, their ingredients, their nutritional values, etc.
    • users, e.g. their preferences and their habits, goals, medical issues, etc.
  3. model the data schema and find some data matching it

Context (pt. 3)

The insight

Obvious solution: generating (i.e., synthesizing) data

Yet, the generated data should:

  • be syntactically valid, i.e. match the structure expected by the system
  • be likely, and therefore meaningful for the system
    • in a nutshell: match the domain the system is going to be deployed into


  1. Generate a schema for recipes and user profiles
  2. Design the business logic on top of that
  3. Generate data matching the schema

Background (pt. 1)


  • Easy yet powerful means to represent knowledge in a structured way

    • theoretically sound
    • widely used in AI and knowledge engineering
    • good for engineering any sort of data schema
    • technologically supported by the Semantic Web stack (e.g. OWL, RDF, etc.)
  • In a nutshell:

    • concepts (a.k.a. classes) sets of individuals (a.k.a. instances)
    • roles (a.k.a. properties) binary relations between individuals
    • top and bottom concepts ($\top$ and $\bot$) for universal and empty sets
      • $\top$ (resp. $\bot$) is most commonly known as Thing (resp. Nothing)
    • $\mathcal{ALC}$ (and variants) is the most common Description Logic used for ontologies

Background (pt. 2)

Ontologies example

Overview on ontologies

In $\mathcal{ALC}$ Description Logic:

  • $Animal \sqsubset \top$
  • $Cat, Mouse \sqsubset Animal$
  • $Cat \sqsubseteq \exists \mathsf{chases}.Mouse$
  • $Mouse \sqsubseteq \exists \mathsf{cooksFor}.Cat$
  • $\mathtt{tom}, \mathtt{garfield} : Cat$
  • $\mathtt{jerry}, \mathtt{rémy} : Mouse$
  • $\mathsf{chases}(\mathtt{tom}, \mathtt{jerry})$
  • $\mathsf{cooksFor}(\mathtt{rémy}, \mathtt{garfield})$

Background (pt. 3)

Definitions vs. Assertions

  • Definitions are axioms defining concepts, roles, and their relationships

    • these are called TBox (for Terminological Box) in $\mathcal{ALC}$
    • examples:
      • $Animal \sqsubset \top$
      • $Cat, Mouse \sqsubset Animal$
      • $Cat \sqsubseteq \exists \mathsf{chases}.Mouse$
      • $Mouse \sqsubseteq \exists \mathsf{cooksFor}.Cat$
  • Assertions are axioms assigning individuals to concepts or to roles

    • these are called ABox (for Assertional Box) in $\mathcal{ALC}$
    • examples:
      • $\mathtt{tom}, \mathtt{garfield} : Cat$
      • $\mathtt{jerry}, \mathtt{rémy} : Mouse$
      • $\mathsf{chases}(\mathtt{tom}, \mathtt{jerry})$
      • $\mathsf{cooksFor}(\mathtt{rémy}, \mathtt{garfield})$

Background (pt. 4)

How are ontologies constructed?

Two possibly inter-leaved phases:

  1. “schema design” phase: defining concepts, roles, and their relationships

    • i.e.: edit the TBox
  2. “population” phase: assigning individuals to concepts or to roles

    • i.e.: edit the ABox

The ontology population problem is about populating an ontology with instances, i.e. individuals

  • this is often done manually
  • called “ontology learning” when done (semi-)automatically from data

Background (pt. 5)

About ontology population

  • Manual population:

    • time-consuming and error-prone
    • requires domain experts (most commonly communities)
    • potentially very precise ($\approx$ adherent to reality)
      • and high-quality on the long run
  • Automatic population:

    • faster and less error-prone
    • requires datasets or big corpus of documents (most commonly)
    • often non-incremental

Background (pt. 6)

Large Language Models (LLMs)

LLM concept

  • Text in (query, a.k.a. prompt) $\rightarrow$ Text out (response, a.k.a. completion)
  • Pre-trained on the publicly accessible Web (allegedly) $\Rightarrow$ plenty of domain-specific knowledge, for most domains
  • X-as-a-Service paradigm $\Rightarrow$ pay-per-use + rate limits
  • Temperature parameter $\rightarrow$ regulates creativity ($\approx$ randomness) of the response


Insight: replace domain experts with large language models (LLMs),
treating them as oracles for automating ontology population

Let’s discuss how!

Problem statement (pt. 1)

  • Stemming from:

    1. a partially- (or, possibly, non-)instantiated ontology $\mathcal{O} = \mathcal{C} \cup \mathcal{P} \cup \mathcal{X}$ consisting of:

      • a non-empty set of concept definitions $\mathcal{C}$
      • a non-empty set of property definitions $\mathcal{P}$
      • a possibly-empty set of assertions $\mathcal{X}$
    2. a subsumption (a.k.a. sub-class) relation $\sqsubseteq$ between concepts in $\mathcal{C}$

      • spawning a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of concepts
    3. a trained LLM oracle $\mathcal{L}$

    4. a set of query templates $\mathcal{T}$ for generating prompts for $\mathcal{L}$

  • … produce $\mathcal{X}’ \sqsupset \mathcal{X}$ such that:

    1. $\mathcal{X}’$ contains novel individual and role assertions (w.r.t. $\mathcal{X}$)
    2. all assertions in $\mathcal{X}’$ are consistent w.r.t. $\mathcal{C}$ and $\mathcal{P}$, meaning that
      • each individual in $\mathcal{X}’$ is assigned to the most adequate concept in $\mathcal{C}$
      • $\mathcal{X}’$ contains role assertions matching the properties in $\mathcal{P}$ as well as reality

Problem statement (pt. 2)


Uninstantiated ontology


Instantiated ontology


Our algorithm for ontology population through LLM, stepping through 4 phases:

  1. population phase: each concept in $\mathcal{C}$ is populated with a set of individuals

  2. relation phase: each property in $\mathcal{P}$ is populated with a set of role assertions

    • as a by-product, some concepts may be populated even further
  3. redistribution phase: some individuals are reassigned to more adequate concepts

  4. merge phase: similar individuals are merged into a single one

    • $\approx$ duplicates removal

About templates

Templates $\approx$ a string named placeholders to be filled with actual values via interpolation

  • think of them as C’s printf format strings
    • e.g. "Hello <WHO>" / {WHO -> "world!"} = "Hello world!"

Each phase leverages templates of different sorts:

  • Individual seeking templates, e.g. "Give me examples of <CONCEPT>"
  • Relation seeking templates, e.g. "Give me examples of <PROPERTY> for <INDIVIDUAL>"
  • Best-match templates, e.g. "What is the best concept for <INDIVIDUAL> among <CONCEPTS>?"
  • Individuals merging templates, e.g. "Are <INDIVIDUAL1> and <INDIVIDUAL2> the same <CONCEPT>?"

About phases (pt. 1)

Population phase

Population phase pseudocode

  1. Focus on some class $R \in \mathcal{C}$ (most commonly Thing)

  2. For each sub-class $C$ of $R$ (post-order-DFS traversal):

    1. using some individual seeking template $t \in \mathcal{T}$:
      1. ask $\mathcal{L}$ for individuals of $C$
      2. add the individuals to $\mathcal{X}'$

Example (population)

Uninstantiated ontology


Populated ontology

About phases (pt. 2)

Relate phase

Relation phase pseudocode

  1. Focus on some property $\mathsf{p} \in \mathcal{P}$

  2. Let $D$ (resp. $R$) be the domain (resp. range) of $\mathsf{p}$

  3. For each individual $\mathtt{i}$ in $D$:

    1. using some relation seeking template $t \in \mathcal{T}$:
      1. ask $\mathcal{L}$ for individuals related to $\mathtt{i}$ by $\mathsf{p}$
      2. add the individuals to $R$

Example (relation)

Populated ontology


Related ontology

About phases (pt. 3)

Redistribution phase pseudocode

  1. Focus on some class $R \in \mathcal{C}$ (most commonly Thing)

  2. Let $\mathcal{S}$ be the set of all direct sub-classes of $R$

  3. For each individual $\mathtt{i}$ in $R$:

    1. using some best-match template $t \in \mathcal{T}$:
      1. ask $\mathcal{L}$ what is the best class for $\mathtt{i}$ among the ones in $\mathcal{S}$
      2. move $\mathtt{i}$ to the best class
  4. Repeat for all direct classes in $\mathcal{S}$

    • (this implies a pre-order-DFS traversal)

Example (redistribute)

Related ontology


Instantiated ontology

About phases (pt. 4)

Merging phase pseudocode

  1. Focus on some class $R \in \mathcal{C}$ (most commonly Thing)

  2. For each sub-class $C$ of $R$:

    1. for each pair of syntactically-similar individuals ${\mathtt{i}, \mathtt{j}}$:
      1. using some individual-mergin template $t \in \mathcal{T}$:
        1. ask $\mathcal{L}$ if $\mathtt{i}$ and $\mathtt{j}$ are the semantically-similar
        2. if so, merge $\mathtt{i}$ and $\mathtt{j}$ in $\mathcal{X}'$

Practical aspects

Prompt-engineering (pt. 1)

Problem: queries may produce verbose and arbitrarily-structured responses, which are costly and hard to parse

  • Q: "can you generate examples of cats?"
  • A:
    Certainly! While I can't physically generate images, I can certainly describe or provide information about different 
    types of cats. 
    Here are a few examples:
    1. Domestic Shorthair:
        Description: A common and popular cat breed known for its short, sleek coat.
        Characteristics: Versatile in colors and patterns, friendly, and adaptable.
    2. Siamese Cat:
        Description: Elegant and slender cat with distinctive color points.
        Characteristics: Vocal, social, and known for their striking blue almond-shaped eyes.
    10. Russian Blue:
        Description: Short-haired cat with a bluish-gray coat and striking green eyes.
        Characteristics: Reserved but affectionate, known for its plush double coat.

Practical aspects

Prompt-engineering (pt. 2)

Solution: queries should explicitly ask for conciseness and structure to spend less
and simplify parsing the response

  • Q: "list of cat races, names only"
  • A:
    Certainly, here's a list of cat breeds with names only:
    1. Persian
    2. Siamese
    10. Domestic Shorthair

Practical aspects

Avoiding out-of-context responses

Problem: the query may be clear for the user, but ambiguous for the LLM,
which may lead to out-of-context responses

  • Q: "give me a list of examples of cats"
  • A:
    Certainly! Here are some examples of cats:
    1. Cat Stevens
    2. Catwoman
    10. Cat in the Hat

Practical aspects

Avoiding out-of-context responses

Solution: provide the context explicitly in the query
Beware! Two contexts are always in place:

  1. the domain of the ontology
  2. the ontological jargon itself
  • C: "you're a zoologist creating and ontology about animals species."
  • Q: "give me a list of examples of cats"
  • A:
    Certainly! Here are some examples of cat breeds:
    1. Persian
    2. Siamese
    10. Domestic Shorthair

Practical aspects

Mining relevant information from responses

Problem: responses contain way more information than needed, in unstructured form

Example of partially structured response

  1. Persian, 2. Siamese, 3. Maine Coon, 4. Bengal, 5. Caracal, 6. Sphinx, …, 10. Domestic Shorthair

Practical aspects

Mining relevant information from responses

Solution: parse the response to extract the relevant information

Grammar for parsing responses

Example of parse tree for the response in the previous slide according to this grammar

Practical aspects

Minimising financial costs

Problem: cost model is most commonly proportional to consumed and produced tokens (words)

Solution: ask for conciseness + limit responses’ lengths + exploit caching

  • most API support some max_tokens-like parameter
  • simple cache mechanism can be implemented, using prompt + parameters as key

Practical aspects

Handling rate limitations

Problem: most LLM services apply rate limitations on a per-tokens or per-requests basis

Solution: apply exponential back-off retrial strategy + limit of retries

Experimental setup

Experiments tailored in the nutritional domain

Reference ontology (built for the purpose): Nutritional ontology

  • plus role: $Recipe \sqsubseteq \exists\mathsf{ingredientOf}.Edible$ (all recipes are made of edible ingredients)

Experimented LLMs

LLM employed for our experiments

Evaluation criteria (pt. 1)

Types of errors

  • Misplacement error ($E_{mis}$): the individual “belongs” the ontology, but it is assigned to the wrong class

    • e.g. $\mathtt{garfield} : Aniamal$, when $Cat \sqsubset Animal$ exists
    • or $\mathtt{tom} : Mouse$
  • Incorrect individual error ($E_{ii}$): the individual makes no sense in the ontology, yet it has a meaningful name

    • e.g. $\mathtt{catwoman} : Cat$
  • Meaningless individual error ($E_{mi}$): the individual makes no sense at all

    • e.g. $\mathtt{asanaimodelblablabla} : Mouse$
  • Class-like individual ($E_{ci}$): the individual has a name which is very similar to the one of a concept in the ontology

    • e.g. $\mathtt{cat} : Cat$
  • Duplicate individuals ($E_{di}$): the individual is a semantic duplicate of another one in the ontology

    • e.g. $\mathtt{pussy}, \mathtt{kitty} : Cat$
  • Wrong relation ($E_{wr}$): the relation connecting two individuals is semantically wrong

    • e.g. $\mathsf{ingredientOf}(\mathtt{pineapple}, \mathtt{pizza})$ 😇

Evaluation criteria (pt. 2)


  • $TI$: total amount of generated individuals in the whole ontology
  • $minCW$ (resp. $maxCW$): minimum (resp. maximum) class weight, i.e. amount of individuals in a class
  • $TL$: total amount of individuals in leaf classes
  • $TE$: total amount of individuals affected by errors
  • $RIE = \frac{TE}{TI}$: relative amount of individuals affected by errors w.r.t. the total amount of individuals
  • $E_{mis}$, $E_{ii}$, $E_{mi}$, $E_{ci}$, $E_{di}$, $E_{wr}$: total amount of errors for each type of error
  • $TR$: total amount of role assertions in the whole ontology
  • $RRE = \frac{E_{wr}}{TR}$: relative amount of role assertions affected by errors w.r.t. the total amount of role assertions


LLM employed for our experiments

  • Errors are spotted by manual inspection!


  • Mistral gives the bigger ontolgoies, but with ~21.6% $RIE$
  • GPT-3 gives the smaller ontologies, but with ~8.6% $RIE$
  • Overall, most experiments’ $RIE$ is below 25% (except for Mixtral)
  • GPT-* have the best $RIE$

About the implementation

About the experiments

Each commit of each experiment branch represents a consistent update to the ontology:

Commits in the experimental branches on GitHub

  • this was very useful in the fine-tuning phase of the algorithm