What are software platforms?

  • Fuzzy concept

    • often mentioned in courses / literature, yet not precisely defined
  • Insight:

The substratum upon which software applications run

What are software platforms?

Operative systems (?)

  • Most software runs on top of an opertive system (OS)

  • So yes, all operative systems are platforms

  • Is there more?

    • e.g. JabRef: Java application running on top of JVM
      • the JVM is an application for the OS
    • e.g. Draw.io: Web application running on top of browsers
      • the browser is an application for the OS

What are software platforms?

Operative systems + ???

  • Programming languages?

    • not that simple
      • e.g. Scala apps can call Java code
  • Runtimes

    • i.e. the set of libraries and conventions backing programming languages

What are software platforms?

Precise definitions

Software platform $\stackrel{\Delta}{=}$ anything having an API enabling the writing of applications, and the runtime supporting the execution of those applications

  • thank you chap, what are API and runtimes then?

What are API and runtimes?

API $\equiv$ application programming interface(s) $\stackrel{\Delta}{=}$ a formal specification of the set of functionalities provided by a software (sub-)system for external usage, there including their input, outputs, and enviromental preconditions and effects

  • client-server methaphor is implicit

Runtime [system/environment] $\approx$ the set of computational resources backing the execution of a software (sub-)system

  • we say that “runtimes support API”

What are API and runtimes?

Examples of API

  • all possible public interfaces / classes / structures in an OOP module

    • and their public/protected methods / fields / properties / constructors
      • and their formal arguments, return types, throwable excepions
  • all possible commands a CLI application accept as input

    • and their admissible sub-commands, options, and arguments
      • and the corresponding outputs, exit values, and side-effects
  • all possible paths a Web service may accept HTTP request onto

    • and their admissible HTTP methods
      • and their admissible query / path / body / header parameters
        • and the corresponding status codes, and response bodies

What are API and runtimes?

Examples of runtimes

  • any virtual machine (JVM, CRL, CPython, V8)

    • and their standard libraries
    • and their type system and internal conventions
      • eg value/reference types in JVM/CRL, global lock in CPython
  • any operative system (Win, Mac, Linux)

    • and their system calls, daemons, package managers, default commands, etc
    • and their program memory, access control, file system models
  • any Web service

    • and the protocols they leverage upon
    • and their URL structuring model
    • the data schema of their input/output objects
    • the authentication / authorization mechanisms they support

Notable platforms

  • The Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

    • supported languages: Java, Kotlin, Scala, Clojure, etc.
  • .NET’s [pronunced “dot NET”] Common Language Runtime (CRL)

    • supported languages: C#, VB.NET, F#, etc.
  • Python 3

    • supported language: Python
  • NodeJS (V8)

    • supported language: JavaScript, TypeScript, etc.
  • Each browser may be considered as a platform per se

    • supported language: JavaScript

Practical features of platforms

  • standard libraries

    • i.e. pre-cooked functionalities developers / users may exploit
  • predefined design decisions

    • e.g. global lock in Python, event loop in JavaScript, etc.
  • organizational, stylistic, technical conventions

    • e.g. project structure, code linting, nomenclature, etc.
  • packaging conventions, import mechanisms, and software repositories

    • e.g. classpath for the JVM, NPM for JS, Pip + Pypi for Python, etc.
  • user communities

    • e.g. many Data scientists use Python, many Web developers use JVM / JS

Example: the JVM platform

Standard libraries

  • Types from the java.* and javax.* packages are usable from any JVM language

  • Many nice functionalities covering:

    • multi-threading, non-blocking IO, asynchronous programming
    • OS-independent GUI, or IO management
    • data structures and algorithms for collections and streams
    • unlimited precision arithmetic
  • Many functionalities are provided by community-driven third party libraries

    • e.g. YAML/JSON parsing / generation, CSV parsing, complex numbers

Predefined design decisions

  • Everything is (indirectly) a subclass/instance of Object

    • except fixed set of primitive types, and static stuff
  • Every object is potentially a lock

    • useful for concurrency
  • Default methods inherited by Object class

    • e.g. toString, equals, hashCode
  • All methods are virtual by default

Organizational, stylistic, technical conventions

  • Project should be organized according to the Maven’s standard directory layout

  • Official stylistic conventions for most JVM languages

    • e.g. type names in PascalCase, members names in camelCase
    • e.g. getters/setters in Java vs. Kotlin’s or Scala’s properties
  • Many technical conventions:

  • iterable data structures should implement the Iterable interface
  • variadic arguments are considered arrays
  • constructors for collections subclasses accept Iterables as input

Packaging conventions, import mechanisms, and software repositories

  • Code is organized into packages

    • packages must correspond to directory structures
  • Code archives (.jar) are Zip files containing compiled classes

  • Basic import mechanism: the class path

    • i.e. the path where classes are looked for
    • commonly set at application startup
  • Many third-party repositories for JVM libraries

User communities

  • Android developers

  • Back-end Web developers

  • Desktop applications developers

  • Researchers in the fields of: semantic Web, multi-agent systems, etc.

Example: the Python platform

Standard libraries

  • Notably, one the richest standard libraries ever

  • Many nice functionalities covering:

    • all the stuff covered by Java
    • plus many more, e.g. complex numbers, JSON and CSV parsing, etc
  • Many functionalities are provided by community-driven third party libraries

    • e.g. scientific or ML libraries

Predefined design decisions

  • Everything is (indirectly) a subclass/instance of object

    • no exceptions
  • Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

  • Magic methods supporting various language features

    • e.g. __str__, __eq__, __iter__
  • No support for overloading

  • Variadic and keywords arguments

Organizational, stylistic, technical conventions

  • Project should be organized according to Kenneth Reitz’s layout

  • Official stylistic conventions for Python (PEP8)

    • e.g. type names in PascalCase, members names in snake_case
    • e.g. indentation-aware syntax, blank line conventions, etc.
  • Many technical conventions:

  • duck typing
  • iterable data structures should implement the __iter__ method
  • variadic arguments are considered tuples
  • keyword arguments are considered sets

Packaging conventions, import mechanisms, and software repositories

  • Code is organized into packages and modules

    • packages must correspond to directory structures
    • modules must correspond to files
  • Code archives (.whl) are Zip files containing Python sources

  • Each Python installation has an internal folder where libraries are stored

    • pip simply unzips modules/packages in there
    • import statements look for packages/modules in there
  • Pypi as the official repository for Python libraries

    • pip as the official tool for dependency management

User communities

  • Data-science community

  • Back-end Web developers

  • Desktop applications developers

  • System administrators

Example: the NodeJS platform

Standard library

  • Very limited standard library from JavaScript

    • enriched with many Node modules
  • Many nice functionalities covering:

    • networking and IPC
    • OS, multiprocess, and cryptographic utilities
  • Many functionalities are provided by community-driven third party libraries

    • you can find virtually anything on npmjs.com

Predefined design decisions

Organizational, stylistic, technical conventions

  • Project structure is somewhat arbitrary

    • the project must contain a package.json file
    • declaring the entry point of the project
  • Many conventions co-exist

  • Many technical conventions:

    • duck typing
    • magic variables, e.g. for prototype

Packaging conventions, import mechanisms, and software repositories

  • Code is organized into modules

    • modules are file containing anything
    • and declaring what to export
  • Code archives (.tar.?z) are compressed tarball files containing JS sources

  • Third party libraries can be installed via npm

    • locally, for the user, or globally
  • NPM as the official repository for JS libraries

    • npm as the official tool for dependency management

User communities

  • Front-end Web developers

  • Back-end Web developers

  • GUI developers

Platforms from software developers’ perspective

The choice of a platform impacts developers during:

  • the design phase

  • the implementation phase

  • the testing phase

  • the release phase

How platform affects the design phase

  • One may choose the platform which minimises the abstraction gap w.r.t. the problem at hand

Abstraction gap $\approx$ the space among the problem and the prior functionalities offered by a platform. Ideally, the bigger the space the more effort is required to build the solution

How platform affects the implementation phase

  • Developers build solutions by leveraging the API of the platform

  • … as well as the API of any third-party library available for that platform

How platform affects the testing phase

  • Test suites are a “project in the project”

    • so remarks are similar w.r.t. the implementation phase
  • One may test the system against as many versions as possible of the underlying platforms

  • One may test the system against as many OS as possible

    • virtual platforms may behave differently depending on the OS

How platform affects the release phase

Release $\approx$ publishing some packaged software system onto a repository, hence enabling its import and exploitation

  • Packaging systems are platform-specific…

  • Repositories are platform-specific…

  • … release is therefore platform specific

Platform choice for a new SW project

  • Choice is commonly driven by design / technical decisions

    • which platform would ease developers’ work the most?
  • However, choosing the platform is a business decision as well

    • platforms have user communities
    • SW project benefit from wide(r) user communities
  • Business decision: which user communities to target?

    • what are the most relevant platforms for that communities?
  • Coherency is key for success in platform selection

    1. coherently choose the target community w.r.t SW goal
    2. coherently choose the platform w.r.t. target community

General benefits of coherence

  • The abstraction gap is likely lower

  • More third party libraries are likey available

  • The potential audience is wider

    • implies the SW project is more valuable
  • Easier to find support / help in case of issues

  • More likely that third-party issues are timely fixed

What about research-oriented software? (pt. 1)

Researchers may act as software developers

  1. to elaborate data

  2. to create in-silico experiments

  3. to study software system

  4. to create software tools improving their research

  5. to create software tools for the community

    • this is how many FOSS tools have been created

What about research-oriented software? (pt. 2)

Research institutions are not software houses

  • Personnel can only dedicate a fraction of their time to development

  • Most software artifacts are disposable (1, 2, 4)

  • Development efforts are discontinuous

  • Development teams are small

  • Software is commonly a means, not an objective

  • Commitment to software development is:

    • commonly on the individual
    • sometimes on the project
    • rarely on the institution

What about research-oriented software? (pt. 3)

Research-oriented software development should maximise audience and impact, while minimising development and maintenance effort

  • Science requires reproducibility

    • wide(r) user base is a facilitator for reproducility
  • The wider the community, the wider the impact of community-driven research software

    • more potential citations
  • Minimising effort can be done by improving efficiency

    • by means of software engineering

General benefits of coherence, for researchers

Choosing the right community / platform is strategical for research-oriented software

  • The abstraction gap is likely lower

    • less development effort
  • More third party libraries are likely available

    • less development effort
  • The potential audience is wider

    • more value, more impact, more reproducibility
  • Easier to find support / help in case of issues

    • potentially, less development effort
  • More likely that third-party issues are timely fixed

    • potentially, less development effort

About technological silos

Silos (in IT) are software components / systems / ecosystems having poor external interoperability (i.e. software from silos A hardly interoperates with software from silos B)

  • Platforms are (pretty wide) software silos

    • making software from any two platforms interoperate is non-trivial
    • making software from the same platform interoperate is easier
  • Examples:

    • intra-platform: Kotlin program calling Java library
    • inter-platform: Python program calling native library

Open research communities vs. technological silos

  • Research communities in CS / AI may overlap with platforms communities:

    • e.g. neural networks researchers $\rightarrow$ Python
    • e.g. data science $\rightarrow$ Python | R
    • e.g. symbolic AI $\rightarrow$ JVM | Prolog
    • e.g. multi-agent systems $\rightarrow$ JVM
    • e.g. semantic-web $\rightarrow$ JVM | Python
  • What about inter-community research efforts?

    • they may need interoperability among different silos
    • in lack of which, research is slowed down

Multi-platform programming is an enabler for inter-community research

The need for multi-platform programming

  • Ideal goal:

let the same software tool run on multiple platforms

  • More reasonable goal:

Create multiple artifacts, one per each supported platform, sharing the same design and functioning

  • Practical goal:

design and write the software once, then port it to several platforms

Approaches for multi-platform programming

  1. Write once, build anywhere

    • software is developed using some sort of “super-language”
    • code from the “super-language” is automatically compiled for all platforms
  2. Write first, wrap elsewhere

    • software is developed for some principal platform
    • implementations for all other platforms are wrappers of the first one

Write once, build anywhere (concept)

Write once, build anywhere (explanation)

  • Assumptions:

    • one “super-language” exists, having:
      1. a code-generator targetting multiple platforms
        • e.g. compiler, transpiler, etc.
      2. the same standard library implemented for all those platforms
  • Workflow:

    1. Design, implement, and test most of the project via the super-language

      • this is the platform-agnostic (a.k.a. “common”) part of the project
    2. Complete, refine, or optimise platform-specific aspects via

      • platform-specific code
      • platform-specific third-party libraries
    3. Build platform-specific artifacts, following platform-specific rules

    4. Upload platform-specific artifacts on platform-specific repositories

Write once, build anywhere (analysis)

Let N be the amount of supported platforms

  • Platform-agnostic functionalities require effort which is independent from N

  • Platform-specific functionalities require effort proportional to N

  • Better to minimise platform-specific code

    • by maximising common code
    • this is true both for main code and for test code
  • Relevant questions:

    • what to realise as common code? what as platform-specific code?
    • how to set the boundary of the common (resp. platform-specific) code?


The abstraction gap of the common code is as wide as the one of the platform having the widest abstraction gap

Write once, build anywhere (strategy)

Whenever a new functionality needs to be developed:

  1. Try to realise it with common std-lib only

  2. If not possible, try to maximise the portion of platform-agnostic code

  • make it possible to plug platform-specific aspects
  1. For each functionality which cannot be realised as purely platform-agnostic:
  2. design a platform-agnostic interface
  3. implement the interface N times, one per target platform

Write first, wrap elsewhere (concept)

Write first, wrap elsewhere (explanation)

  • Assumptions:

    • one “main” platform exists such that
      • code from the “main” platform can be called from other target platforms
    • the software has been designed in a platform-agnostic way
  • Workflow:

    1. Fully implement, test, and deploy the software for the main platform

    2. For all other platforms:

    3. re-design and re-write platform-specific API code

    4. implement platform-specific API by calling the main platform’s code

    5. re-write test for API code

    6. build platform-specific packages, wrapping the main platform’s package and runtime

    7. Upload platform-specific artifacts on platform-specific repositories

Write first, wrap elsewhere (analysis)

Let N be the amount of supported platforms

  • Clear separation of API code from implementation code is quintessential

  • The effort required for writing API code is virtually the same on all platforms

  • Global effort is sub-linearly dependent on N

    • implementing API and wrapper code is a manual task
    • still less effort than implementing the same design N times
  • The i-th platform’s wrapper code will only call the main platform’s API code

  • Relevant questions:

    • how to deal with platform-specific aspects?
    • how to create platform-agnostic design?

Multi-platform Programming for Research-Oriented Software

Giovanni Ciatto — giovanni.ciatto@unibo.it

Compiled on: 2024-02-20
